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歌曲: Massacre

所属专辑:The Berzerker

歌手: The Berzerker

时长: 03:29

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Massacre (大屠杀) - The Berzerker[00:00:00]


Arms legs feet hands all limbs are gone [00:01:06]


Flesh torn life loss blown to black dust [00:01:08]

身体被撕裂 生命受到了威胁 一切都消失殆尽[00:01:09]

Torn earth seeks death blood is on ground [00:01:09]

地球被毁灭 地面上全是死者的血液[00:01:10]

Feel the grim pain it is your fault [00:01:10]

感受这残忍的疼痛 这都是你的错[00:01:12]

Once maimed you fall force is so strong [00:01:12]

尽管你已残废 你的力量还是那么强大[00:01:13]

Got what you wish last chance for more [00:01:13]

实现了你的愿望吗 这是最后的机会[00:01:15]

Wounds all open to the heavens [00:01:15]


Skull is intact limbs won't grow back [00:01:16]

头骨是完好无损的 四肢也不会再长出来[00:01:18]

No end is near used to be bold [00:01:18]

你无畏地继续下去 [00:01:19]

Can not get help chanced your life well [00:01:19]

无法得到帮助 挑战你的生活[00:01:21]

Eyes are so blind to the horror [00:01:21]


Feel the grim pain it is your fault [00:01:22]

感受那残忍的痛苦 这都是你的错[00:01:24]

Call to arms you do not have [00:01:24]


Cause torn flesh is now all that's left [00:01:26]


And i can see your juices drain out [00:01:27]


Like a body that is apart [00:01:29]


Got what you get i can see that [00:01:30]

你得到了你期盼的 我能看到[00:01:32]

Life calls to me and paints grim death [00:01:32]

生命呼唤着我 描绘出那恐怖的死亡[00:01:33]

What we live in i do not know [00:01:33]

我们生活在怎样一个地方 我不知道[00:01:35]

I'm not a god but i think so [00:01:35]

我不是上帝 但是我认为自己有责任拯救世界[00:01:36]

You've had your chance used to have hope [00:01:36]


Lost now in hell feel your life fall [00:01:38]

如今你迷失在地狱里 感觉你的生命在沉沦[00:01:39]

Not one to run i'll bare this world [00:01:39]

没人会逃避 我会揭露这个世界[00:01:41]

I am so strong your life is gone [00:01:41]

我是如此强大 你已经失去生命[00:01:43]

No time for weak you are a sheep [00:01:43]

你不能再软弱下去了 你就像一只绵羊[00:01:44]

Can not get help no hope for you [00:01:44]

无法得到帮助 你已没有希望[00:01:45]

Now i tell you your chance is gone [00:01:45]

我要告诉你 你已经失去你的机会[00:01:47]

Time for you too i'll burn in hell [00:01:47]

你也耗尽了你的时间 我将被地狱之火燃烧[00:01:49]

My chance is here with your lost kind [00:01:49]

如果你能再次变得善良 我愿意给你机会[00:01:50]

From the start you've had not much time [00:01:50]

从一开始 你就没有太多的时间[00:01:52]

Not one to run i'll bare this world [00:01:52]

没人会逃避 我会揭露这个世界[00:01:53]

I am so strong your life is gone [00:01:53]

我是如此强大 你已经失去生命[00:02:07]

Got what you get i can see that [00:02:07]

我能看到 你罪有应得[00:02:08]

Life calls to me and paints grim death [00:02:08]

生命呼唤着我 描绘出那恐怖的死亡[00:02:10]

What we live in i do not know [00:02:10]

我们生活在怎样一个地方 我不知道[00:02:11]

I'm not a god but i think so [00:02:11]

我不是上帝 但我认为自己有责任拯救世界[00:02:13]

You've had your chance used to have hope [00:02:13]


Lost now in hell feel your life fall [00:02:14]

如今你迷失在地狱里 感觉你的生命在沉沦[00:02:16]

Not one to run i'll bare this world [00:02:16]

没人会逃避 我会揭露这个世界[00:02:17]

I am so strong your life is gone [00:02:17]

我是如此强大 你的已经失去生命[00:02:19]

No time for weak you are a sheep [00:02:19]

你不能再软弱下去了 你就像一只绵羊[00:02:21]

Can not get help no hope for you [00:02:21]

无法得到帮助 你已没有希望[00:02:22]

Now i tell you your chance is gone [00:02:22]

我要告诉你 你已经失去你的机会[00:02:24]

Time for you too i'll burn in hell [00:02:24]

你也耗尽了你的时间 我将被地狱之火燃烧[00:02:25]

My chance is here with your lost kind [00:02:25]

如果你能再次变得善良 我愿意给你机会[00:02:26]

From the start you've had not much time [00:02:26]

从一开始 你就没有太多的时间[00:02:28]

Not one to run i'll bare this world [00:02:28]

没人会逃避 我会揭露这个世界[00:02:30]

I am so strong your life is gone[00:02:30]

我是如此强大 你已经失去生命[00:02:35]